Калькулятор крафта Asterios

Vesper Boots

Vesper Boots grade MasterWork
Crystal S Crystal S: 560. Их цена: 4 910 640
physic def Физ защита: 68
Необходимо noble stones 290 для апгрейда.
Ресурс Кол В наличии Цена за штуку Цена за все Исклю-
Crystal S Crystal S 50 438 450
High-grade Suede High-grade Suede 126 1 259 874
Suede Suede 378 1 096 200
Coarse Bone Powder Coarse Bone Powder 126 529 074
Animal Bone Animal Bone 1260 428 400
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather 210 4 494 000
Coal Coal 840 2 939 160
Leather Leather 840 1 512 000
Animal Skin Animal Skin 5040 2 378 880
Cord Cord 840 3 360 000
Thread Thread 21000 10 500 000
Steel Steel 1680 22 680 000
Varnish Varnish 8400 24 360 000
Iron Ore Iron Ore 8400 14 271 600
Gemstone (S-grade) Gemstone (S-grade) 9 4 140 000
Asofe Asofe 42 671 958
Warsmith' Mold Warsmith' Mold 1 2 198 988
Artisan's Frame Artisan's Frame 1 947 600
Adamantite Nugget Adamantite Nugget 10 299 990
Steel Mold Steel Mold 1 43 990
Iron Ore Iron Ore 5 8 495
Coal Coal 5 17 495
Braided Hemp Braided Hemp 5 13 790
Stem Stem 25 21 975
Varnish of Purity Varnish of Purity 5 114 645
Varnish Varnish 15 43 500
Stone of Purity Stone of Purity 5 24 500
Coarse Bone Powder Coarse Bone Powder 15 62 985
Animal Bone Animal Bone 150 51 000
Mold Hardener Mold Hardener 10 637 770
Enria Enria 5 148 500
Orichalcum Orichalcum 21 525 000
Vesper Boots Piece Vesper Boots Piece 19 0
Recipe: Vesper Boots (60%) Recipe: Vesper Boots (60%) 1 0
Количество крафтов: Итого: 13 728 270