Калькулятор крафта Asterios

Behemoth' Tuning Fork

Behemoth' Tuning Fork grade MasterWork
Crystal A Crystal A: 2157. Их цена: 30 198 000
soul shot Физ атака: 305
spirit shots Маг атака: 121
Уровень СА: 12 Гемов: Gemstone (A-grade) 157 (2 669 000)
SA Red Focus
Увеличивает Физ. Крит. Атк. на 61
SA Green Health
Увеличивает HP на 25%
SA Blue Anger
Уменьшает HP на 15% и Увеличивает Физ. Атк. на 32
Ресурс Кол В наличии Цена за штуку Цена за все Исклю-
Crystal A Crystal A 254 3 556 000
High-grade Suede High-grade Suede 52 519 948
Suede Suede 156 452 400
Coarse Bone Powder Coarse Bone Powder 52 218 348
Animal Bone Animal Bone 520 176 800
Synthetic Cokes Synthetic Cokes 104 3 009 656
Oriharukon Ore Oriharukon Ore 104 2 805 920
Cokes Cokes 312 936 000
Coal Coal 936 3 275 064
Charcoal Charcoal 936 149 760
Mithril Alloy Mithril Alloy 208 7 854 496
Mithril Ore Mithril Ore 208 728 000
Steel Steel 416 5 616 000
Varnish Varnish 2080 6 032 000
Iron Ore Iron Ore 2080 3 533 920
Varnish of Purity Varnish of Purity 208 4 769 232
Varnish Varnish 624 1 809 600
Stone of Purity Stone of Purity 208 1 019 200
Coarse Bone Powder Coarse Bone Powder 624 2 620 176
Animal Bone Animal Bone 6240 2 121 600
Gemstone (A-grade) Gemstone (A-grade) 100 1 700 000
Enria Enria 52 1 544 400
Durable Metal Plate Durable Metal Plate 208 7 173 712
Mithril Ore Mithril Ore 1040 3 640 000
Metallic Thread Metallic Thread 1040 4 576 000
Thread Thread 10400 5 200 000
Iron Ore Iron Ore 5200 8 834 800
Maestro Holder Maestro Holder 4 5 199 996
Varnish of Purity Varnish of Purity 40 917 160
Varnish Varnish 120 348 000
Stone of Purity Stone of Purity 40 196 000
Coarse Bone Powder Coarse Bone Powder 120 503 880
Animal Bone Animal Bone 1200 408 000
Mold Lubricant Mold Lubricant 40 208 880
Mold Hardener Mold Hardener 40 2 551 080
Behemoth' Tuning Fork Piece Behemoth' Tuning Fork Piece 15 0
Recipe: Behemoth' Tuning Fork (60%) Recipe: Behemoth' Tuning Fork (60%) 1 0
Количество крафтов: Итого: 30 558 208